Clean Air Day is June 2

Posted on May 31, 2021

June 2 is Clean Air Day. It’s a good time to reflect on the value of clean air and individual activities that impact air quality.

While local air quality is at a low risk to health most of the time in our Airshed, Clean Air Day gives us a chance to think about the steps we can all take to help maintain and even improve the quality of our local air.

There are many ways individuals can contribute to clean air. For example, walking, riding a bicycle or taking the bus instead of driving a car lessens the impact on air quality. Choosing air-friendly products, not idling a vehicle while parked, using less energy by turning down thermostats and air conditioners, and shutting off lights when they are not needed are other ways to improve air quality. 

We are encouraging residents to support Clean Air Day by taking at least one of these actions during the first week of June…and making it a habit throughout the year.